Monday, March 2, 2009

Book Review: This is Your Brain on Joy

In his book, This is Your Brain on Joy, Dr. Earl Henslin sets out to show Christians how to improve their mental well being. One of his arguments is that many of our mental woes originate in different areas of the brain as depicted on a specialized imaging technique called SPECT. For the majority of the book book, Dr. Henslin discusses major mental health issues such as anxiety and then provides ways to combat them, primarily through the use of alternative medicine.

One thing that struck me about this book is the author’s over reliance on the SPECT images as proof for his argument. To say that one area of the brain lights up on an image therefore that’s what causes anxiety, depression, etc. seems too simplified to me.

Another area of concern is his recommended use of certain alternative medicines and practices. While I commend his practice of only prescribing pharmaceuticals as a last resort, some of his recommendations have questionable scientific backing. And to say that depression can be helped with supplements , music therapy, and a good movie may be useful for the milder forms of the disease, but potentially dangerous for the more severe cases.

Despite the above concerns, I did find some positive areas. The author writes in a down to earth writing style that includes a pleasant mix of humor. Another positive is the author’s attempt to teach Christians not to be afraid of psychology but to appreciate what it can teach us about what it means to be human. The book also attempts to explain brain anatomy in such a way that even the average person can understand. So, even if there are some problem areas, it's important not to through the baby out with the bathwater.

For those of you interested, here's more info on This is Your Brain on Joy.

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